By Jean and John Dillon


Travel Diaries 1990 – 2010


In this second tome of travel diaries, Jean and John Dillon write about travelling in the latter decade of the twentieth century and into the mid-noughties. Covering peregrinations from chilly Moscow to the sunnier historic sites of Corsica, or taking us from Latvia to Japan and on to Australia, the diaries chart everything from academic jaunts to Mediterranean weddings. Jean’s keen nature-loving eye provides details of the flora and fauna, as John records how the classical times have survived, despite the ravages of mass tourism. At the heart of the journeys, as always, is Katounia, on the island of Euboea in Greece. The book will be launched in Books Upstairs in Dublin this Sunday, 26th January, 2025.  Click here for more about the title.







Tourism and Culture in
Philosophical Perspective

Edited by
Marie-Élise Zovko and John Dillon

This is the first book of its kind to consider tourism itself as a phenomenon of human culture, dealing with philosophical questions connected with tourism as a cultural phenomenon characteristic of our present age. Editors and contributors question the meaning and importance of tourism from a variety of philosophical standpoints. By shedding light on these issues, more efficacious solutions to the urgent problems raised by the practice of tourism can be found. This work is a must-read for scholars, teachers, and students engaged in study and research on philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, tourist and destination management, human factors engineering, and sustainability.  Read more.


Ireland:  Waterstones  /  UK:  Foyles of London  / USA:  Barnes and Noble
Germany:  Schweitzer  /  Australia:  Booktopia   / 

By Jean and John Dillon


Travel Diaries 1970s – 1980s


In this tome, Jean and John Dillon open their old travel diaries to take us fondly back to the days of pre-millennium travel, when getting there was achieved with the use of maps and signposts, as opposed to pings and notifications, and being there was recorded in a daily journal. Whether for leisure or scholarly pursuit, Jean and John bring us to North America, Mexico, Europe, Hawaii, Israel – and most fondly of all, perhaps – to Greece. The diaries are frank, witty, and always entertaining.  They represent the first sortie into travel writing for the authors. Click here to read more about the title.


BEING THERE is available for purchase at Books Upstairs (D’Olier St., Dublin 2), Hampton Books in Donnybrook and Book Haven.

You can purchase it online from and, with more online bookshop links on the way.


John Dillon

John Dillon is Regius Professor of Greek (Emeritus) in Trinity College Dublin, having returned there in 1980 from a period in the University of California, Berkeley, where he was a member of the Classics Department from 1969 onwards. Prior to that, after graduating from Oxford in 1961, he spent some years teaching English in Ethiopia. His chief area of academic interest is the philosophy of Plato and the tradition deriving from him, on which he has written a number of books. A second edition of his debut novel, The Scent of Eucalyptus, was published in 2019, and he took time over the lockdown periods in 2019 to compile his current book The Lockdown Papers, which comprises a selection of his social and political essays, published over four decades in Irish newspapers.

For more about John Dillon click here

Other Books

Scent Eucalyptus by John Dillon

The Scent of Eucalyptus

a novel by John Dillon

451 Editions, 2019

The Enneads by Plotinus

introduction by John Dillon

Penguin Classics, 1991

The Middle Platonists

by John Dillon

Bristol Classical Press, 1996

The Heirs of Plato

by John Dillon

Oxford University Press, 2005

On The Lockdown Papers:
“A witty and well written book”

– John Bruton

On The Lockdown Papers:
“A delightful pot pourri, at times idiosyncratic but written with old-style elegance.”.

– Maurice Manning

On The Scent of Eucalyptus:
“Wonderfully observed. Ethiopia … as landscape and history, is solidly ‘there’.”

– Seamus Heaney

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